Supported by Auto-Sleepers Group with direct links to the factory
Auto-Sleeper Owners' Club is open to current owners of Auto-Sleeper motorhomes. The Club is officially supported by Auto-Sleepers Group and offers a full events programme with rallies throughout the UK and Europe. The Club is a Company Limited by Guarantee, not having a Share Capital. This means should the Club be wound up, and have insufficient assets to meet its debts, the most that each member can be asked to contribute towards the deficit is £1. The membership subscription covers the calendar year and is due on the first of January each year. New members joining on or after first September are covered until the end of December the following year.

  • We produce a newsletter four times a year, with news, views, information and the details of the events organised by members for the Club.
  • Although we can and do offer advice on technical matters to our members, we cannot supply, or advise on sourcing, spare parts or fittings for Auto-Sleepers motorhomes.
The Club started with a letter in "Motorcaravan & Motorhome Monthly" in June 1988 suggesting that a Club for the owners of motor caravans converted by Auto-Sleepers might be popular. On response to these letters an acting committee was established, a constitution and rules suggested and help gratefully accepted from Auto-Sleepers.
The inaugural General Meeting and First National Rally, in April 1989, was attended by over 230 vans (around 500 people) and Membership then totalled about 650 people. A monthly Newsletter was instigated and small rallies arranged as a means for members to communicate, exchange ideas and enjoy themselves.
At the AGM in 2002 it was agreed the status of the Club be changed from that of an unincorporated association to a Company Limited by Guarantee and not having a Share Capital, and was registered at Companies House with a registration number 4616969.


    A list of suppliers who give members a discount on the range of products they offer when showing your membership card. The list can be found in the member area.


    Over 200 ideas compiled by members and some approved by Auto-Sleepers. The list can be found in the member area.


    A list of older vehicle manuals available to download


    Hoping to build more in the future


    Digital magazine we produce from time to time about members travels in the UK and Europe.

  • Guide to filling your LPG tank   
  •, worth a look
updated 22 March 2025
  • Events page 22.3.25
  • Events 22.3.25
  • March Newletter 29.2.25
    Can we ask members to update any change of details

    including email to the Membership Secretary  seccontact