5/12      traveller issue 4

The museum is situated on the old (now sadly closed) Filton Airfield and is sited in a couple of the original WW1 hangers which have been sympathetically restored and are now grade II listed - well worth a viewing in their own right. Concorde (Alpha Foxtrot - 016), which is the main attraction, is housed in its own modern purpose-built building. The car park is big enough for motorhomes - you would need some form of transport to get there as it is well out of the city centre and not very well served by buses. The museum itself is wheel-chair friendly with lifts to the higher platform exhibits. It has a very nice restaurant which only serves food made on site, which is sourced locally. All the exhibits tend to focus on Bristol design and built products - as well as Bristol aircraft through the years, it also has a complete Bloodhound missile system and an amazing sectioned model of one of the first Bristol cars - a car design with technology which would not look out of place on todays roads.

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